A "Twilight Zone" type of show, this horror anthology series, produced by noted horror filmmaker George A. Romero, explores the macabre, but like its predecessor, always with a twist. Low budget but with a huge cult following, the show explores horror and supernatural story lines and guest-stars several veteran actors. Many "Tales From the Darkside" episodes are adapted from stories written by well-known authors, including Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Clive Barker and John Cheever. This series was followed by a feature film, "Tales From the Darkside: The Movie."
Episodes Airing Soon
Trick or Treat
A mean store owner (Barnard Hughes) hosts a scary Halloween night for the town's youngsters.
Fri Sep 13 @ 11:00 AM ET/PT
The Word Processor of the Gods
A high-school English teacher gets a word processor that has capabilities he never imagined.
Fri Sep 13 @ 11:30 AM ET/PT
Sorry, Right Number
A good-hearted woman is terrorized by puzzling phone calls. Written by Stephen King.
Fri Sep 13 @ 12:00 PM ET/PT
The Bitterest Pill
A lottery winner is asked to invest in a revolutionary invention that has extraordinary powers.