Portland detective Nick Burkhardt, descended from a long line of warriors known as Grimms, defends his city from magical creatures known as Wesen, which are part human and part animal. Fighting alongside his partner, Hank, colleague Sergeant Wu and friends Monroe and Rosalee, Nick faces off against internal and external forces, including his police captain, Sean Renard.
Episodes Airing Soon
After the massacre in Nick's loft, Capt. Renard is determined to eliminate him once and for all.
Mon Sep 9 @ 5:00 PM ET/PT
Trust Me Knot
Hank and Wu discover a way to stop Renard; Monroe and Rosalee get a demonstration of Diana's power.
Mon Sep 9 @ 6:00 PM ET/PT
Oh Captain My Captain
Nick has a plan to take Capt. Renard out of his element; Eve and Rosalee try to get the spell ready.
Mon Sep 9 @ 7:00 PM ET/PT
El Cuegle
A new Wesen terrorizes a young family; Capt. Renard is shocked by an unexpected guest.