Portland detective Nick Burkhardt, descended from a long line of warriors known as Grimms, defends his city from magical creatures known as Wesen, which are part human and part animal. Fighting alongside his partner, Hank, colleague Sergeant Wu and friends Monroe and Rosalee, Nick faces off against internal and external forces, including his police captain, Sean Renard.
Episodes Airing Soon
Nick tries to suppress a volcano's threat to Portland; Adalind meets a new ally in Europe.
Sun Feb 23 @ 4:00 PM ET/PT
Cow mutilations and reports of glowing creatures lead Nick to question the existence of aliens.
Sun Feb 23 @ 5:00 PM ET/PT
Kiss of the Muse
A muselike wesen possesses the ability to influence people she approaches.
Sun Feb 23 @ 6:00 PM ET/PT
The Waking Dead
Hank and Nick encounter zombies; Juliette asks Monroe to reveal Nick's darkest secret.