After conquering the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Jurassic World, Chris Pratt is looking to add a brand new sci-fi franchise to his résumé.
The actor is set to star in an original sci-fi action film called The Tomorrow War, and by the sounds of it, the movie has all the trappings of what could be the next big blockbuster franchise. The story takes place in the future, where humanity is currently losing a worldwide battle against a hostile alien race. We know, we know, stop us if you’ve heard this one before. But here’s where The Tomorrow War gets interesting. In the hopes of turning the tide in the war, Earth’s scientists begin drafting new soldiers from the past to fight their battles. So not only have we got aliens, but we’ve also got some time travel/ghost warriors in the mix. Consider us sold.
No character details have been released as of yet, but the possibilities are certainly tantalizing. Could we see some famous warriors from the past, like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, or Rollo of Normandy? Maybe we’ll see some intriguing combos, like WWII-era Japanese and American soldiers fighting alongside each other. Hypothetically, there could even be knights, samurais, and Green Berets all fighting together for the common good… against aliens! The film was originally called Ghost Draft, which is somehow an even more on the nose title than The Tomorrow War. Pratt detailed how they came up with the title in a cheeky Instagram post.
The Tomorrow War, which marks Pratt’s debut as an executive producer, is slated for a Christmas Day release next year.